School Meals

Corvallis School District Food & Nutrition Services is committed to providing healthy meals for all students. Our district meal program provides breakfast and lunch each school day. All students qualify for a free complete “reimbursable” breakfast and lunch, regardless of income.

School Menus
Corvallis menus are created on a four-week rotation that remains fairly consistent for the entire school year. All Corvallis schools offer full salad bars to their students in an effort to encourage them to eat more fruits and vegetables and also as a vegetarian lunch option.
Free School Meals for All Students
Under the Community Eligibility Provision from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), beginning July 1, 2024, all students qualify for a free complete “reimbursable” breakfast and lunch, regardless of income. Families do not need to fill out free and reduced lunch applications for these benefits.
Lunch and Lunchtime Activities
Please make sure your child has dressed appropriately for the weather as they will be outside every day during part of their lunch. In the event of heavy rain or severe cold, we will have Indoor Rec at lunch. When Indoor Rec is called, the blacktop will be closed and students will be in the gym for the recreation portion of their lunch.
For lunch, students can choose to bring a lunch or purchase a nutritious well-balanced lunch from the cafeteria.
Our cafeteria has a computerized meal card system. Students should bring either a check or money in a sealed envelope marked with the student’s name and the amount enclosed. This should be deposited in the locked lunch money drop box outside the office by 9:30 am. The money will be credited to the student’s account before lunch that day. If the payment is deposited after 9:30 am, it will be credited to the account by the following morning.
The lunch program uses software with a photo of each child, ensuring proper accounting. As each student goes through the line, their choice for the day will be debited from their account. Menus are sent home monthly. Free and reduced-price lunches are available for families meeting the income standards set by the federal government. The application is available online, paper forms are available in the office.